Chasing Waterfalls in Kauai Hawaii

I’ve gotta say that Kauai Hawaii may be one of the most beautiful places I’ve been so far. The island is so beautiful. It’s got a really laid back, country feel to it. Being from the south, I felt right at home. There were tons of great views in every direction. Mountains, farms with livestock, jungles and those are just the inland views. I spent a lot of time outdoors on this trip. I even rented a bike and went on some adventures on my own. It just felt good to get lost and be free.

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I definitely understand why Kaua’i is referred to as the Garden Island. It was so lush and green, and just damn beautiful. Our resort was right on Poi’Pu beach and our pool was about 50 ft from the ocean. There was a monk seal that swam up on shore one day, I named her Sandy. They said she was pregnant and due in less than a month. Apparently seals regularly come to the beach, roll around in the sand and sun bathe… What a fucking life! lol

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I took a pretty adventurous tour kayaking on the Wailua River, then hiking through the jungle up to Secret Falls. It was exhausting but we had a really groovy tour guide named Elvis. He kept singing Bob Marley songs to keep everyone moving, so he was cool with me. It was a perfect and peaceful ride downstream. I wish I had pics to show, but I was busy rowing. After kayaking we hiked a few miles through the Wailua Jungle to have lunch and swim at Secret Falls. 🙂 It was a picture perfect day… until we had to kayak UPSTREAM on a breezy day. Oh yeah, shit got real! 😐 but we eventually made it. Aside from my lack of upper body strength, it’s an excursion that I absolutely recommend everyone take when visiting Kauai, Hawaii.

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The next day I rented a bike and explored the area near the resort. There were gardens and flowers everywhere. I went into full fledged Dora the Explorer mode and just took off to see about that Kaua’i life! I popped in my headphones and just got lost for a few hours. It was so much fun. I visited a few neighborhoods, and found a recreational area where they were having some boat races.

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