I felt compelled to write about this because it keeps coming up in my conversations with people. Since I quit my job two of my friends have taken that glorious leap and at least another two are on the verge. In any case, you are in the same scenario as…
Road Trip to Chicago
This trip happened almost completely on a whim. My friends mentioned they had a few days off for the 4th of July and wanted to get TF out of town. Of course, I was game!! We planned to go to Panama City Beach, FL first, but our Airbnb reservation fell…
Drama in Amsterdam
Oh Amsterdam… my sweet, sweet love! From the moment I walked out of Central Station, I knew I was home. It’s such a beautiful city with so much to see. I can see myself living here whenever I decide to sit still somewhere. The people were great and the city was…
5 tips for preparing for your trip abroad
According to https://active-travel.uk/blog/the-benefits-of-active-travel, put simply, active travel is for those who like to develop themselves at every opportunity and have a thirst for adventure and knowledge. I love visiting new places and exploring new cultures. But if I’m being completely honest, the “traveling” part of any vacation can be extremely…
Exploring London on a budget
After leaving Toronto, we had a short layover in Reyjavik, Iceland we landed at Gatwick airport which is about 45 minutes south of London England. Here we met up with the 3rd member in our party; Mitra!! 😆 We were exhausted but we lost it when we saw each other!!…
5 Things You MUST Do In Jamaica
Awhile ago a friend of mine reached out to me to let me know she was going to Jamaica and she wanted to know what she should do while she was there. I’ve had so much fun in Jamaica that I was excited to put together a list of things…
Raymer Wedding in Cortona, Italy
A couple of my friends decided to get married in Cortona, Italy. Sidenote: Can destination weddings please become the new norm? They actually turn out to be a lot cheaper than you’d expect and the combination of travel + nuptials ensures a special time for everyone involved. So needless to…
8 Hours in Toronto Canada
After months of careful planning, hours and hours of searching for flights, lodging and activities, and weeks of trying to contain my excitement, the time had finally arrived. I set my out of office at least a week before I left. I was SOOOO happy to be off for two weeks. TWO…
5 People to Consider When Planning a Group Trip
Planning a group trip usually starts when a person, or two, decides they want to celebrate something or go somewhere. They mention it to a few people and before they know it, the whole gang is going. AWESOME! Now you have to plan to accommodate everyone and their interests, budget,…
One Love in Nine Mile, Jamaica
We had to figure out how to convert USD to Jamaican dollars REAL quick! Hustlers don’t like losing money, or feeling taken advantage of. LOL So we stayed in to regroup the first night, and did some quick conversion exercises to learn how to quickly do the conversion. It took a little…