We left Maori in the middle of the night. It was a 2 hour drive to the airport from the Amalfi Coast. The views were just as beautiful at night. I was really sad to be leaving. This was our only beach stop on this trip so I was mostly sad to be leaving the beach. 🙁 #MermaidLife We arrived at the airport in Rome before everyone. Literally, not a single employee was seen for at least an hour. So we decided to entertain ourselves. Oh and the rumors are true, Italians hate Americans… especially in the airport where you would expect them to be more helpful, given that they work in an airport. lol
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Anywho, we landed at Orly airport a couple hours later and took a taxi to our airbnb. It was a beautiful apartment in the 6th arrondissement, with no a/c. All the windows were open inviting a nice breeze throughout the apartment made it bearable. That’s until we woke up the next day to record high temperatures of 104 degrees. It was literally the hottest day ever in Paris, and we were there with no a/c. 😆 After awhile you just have to laugh at the madness. lol We planned to spend the hottest hours of the day exploring the city. We thought we could hide out in restaurants, but a lot of their restaurants open up onto the sidewalk so we just embraced it. If the locals could manage, so could we. Fuck it!
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This city made me fall in love with architecture. If you’re reading this and you’re an architect, I’m single! Hey boo! I’m trying to become Mrs. Art Vandalay [another Seinfeld joke]. It was obvious that extra effort was put into the details and it translated well. All of Europe is rich with history and buildings that date back over millennia’s. As an American it really put into perspective how young my country is. This trip stretched my perspective and changed me in ways I never expected. I loved seeing how people in Europe live. They work to live while we live to work. I wanted that! A lot of their living spaces were a little smaller, they walk more and, they like to take breaks. I’m here for it! This entire trip lit a fire in me that led to me quitting my job 5 months after returning. I couldn’t wait to get back to Europe again, and just two months later, I found myself in Turkey! 😀
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